Monthly Archives: June 2020
Bill’s Shack-in-a-Box
I like the idea of operating a portable HF station. I have on a number of occasions packed up a radio and all of the necessary items to operate remotely (battery, antenna, coax, etc.) It is always an effort and … Continue reading
KiwiSDR – What is it?
The obvious answer here is that KiwiSDR is a Software Definable Radio but what I think sets it apart from other SDRs is the ease of accessing them over the Internet with a well developed user interface that is controllable … Continue reading
Remote Amateur Exams
COVID-19 has stopped many activities that we all considered to be part of our normal existence. From going to work, dining out, to taking an Amateur Radio exam. Some clever hams using tools that were developed for the class room … Continue reading
D-Star, DMR, System Fusion which is best for me?
You probably know that there are three main digital modes for amateur radio. This is not a detailed comparison of the modes or even a technical comparison. I have radios for each of these modes and I have spent time … Continue reading
Anderson Power Poles and why I use them
Maybe you have heard of Anderson Powerpoles, if not they are a family of electrical connectors by Anderson Power Products. These connectors have become the standard for power hook-ups for my radio equipment. Powerpole connectors are physically and electrically hermaphroditic, … Continue reading
My 3D printed HT Shelf
I have limited desk space in my ham shack and several HTs. I decided I needed a way to organize my HTs so I started looking around for brackets for my HTs that I could 3D print. I had some … Continue reading
Operating mobile without worry
I have had two radios installed in my car for a long time. While I have never run my car battery down to the point that the car will not start, it is always in the back of my mind. … Continue reading