Maybe you have heard of Anderson Powerpoles, if not they are a family of electrical connectors by Anderson Power Products. These connectors have become the standard for power hook-ups for my radio equipment. Powerpole connectors are physically and electrically hermaphroditic, thus avoiding the need to worry about which end is the plug and which the socket, or which end has the correct polarity. This provides safety and allows for easy and reliable connections between power sources and your equipment.
So why do I use them? I find that they allow me to create a small set of cables and jumpers that I can use to power a variety of equipment (batteries, power supplies, radios, tuners, HT chargers, etc.) easily. It is also easy to add something inline with a piece of equipment like a power analyzer. This makes it simple to measure the power needs of your equipment so you can determine what size of battery or solar panels you would need before going into the field with that setup. This common power interface has simplified hooking up equipment in my shack and my car. Another advantage is when you are working with other hams at public service events, at ARRL Field Day, or when borrowing equipment you will not need adapters.