First of all I don’t know how to pronounce the name but I am saying XI-Goo. This radio is a very compact HF SDR transceiver (160M to 10M). I have only started playing with it but so far I am very impressed for a radio of this size. Here is a snapshot of the G90.
This is not going to be a review of all the capabilities of this radio but I will mention that it is capable of 20W SSB, has a waterfall for finding signals in the band, a built in automatic tuner, and a SWR scanner for characterizing an antenna! The sensitivity, selectivity, and audio are very good in my opinion. This radio is currently going for ~$450 US. I used to own a Yaesu FT-817D and these are not equivalent radios. The FT-817 includes 6M, 2M, 1.25cm, and 70cm and has a built in battery. The FT-817 does not have a built in tuner, the batteries take forever to charge, and the output is a maximum of 5W (2.5W using the internal battery.)
For me the features of the G90 are more inline with what I want to operate with portable. Xiegu is a fairly new manufacturer (as far as I know) so you may want to consider that it might be difficult to have any problems that you may have resolved with their products. My G90 appears to be working perfectly out of the box but it will take time to gauge the reliability. As always these are just my opinions. I suggest that you do your own research before buying anything. There are many YouTube videos on this radio (my favorite video so far) and you also can download a copy of the March 2020 QST Review of the radio here. I have been reading a lot of great things about this radio and the more I use mine the more impressed I am.